G. Biermann

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Sopraintendenza archaeologica di Pompei
Offizielle Seite der "Sopraintendenza archaeologica di Pompei"

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abt. Rom
Wohnen und Arbeiten im antiken Pompeji: Die Casa dei Postumii und ihre Insula
Insula 16 in Regio VI: Dokumentation, Interpretation und urbanistische Situation

Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
The Pompeii Forum Project is a collaborative venture that focuses on the urban center of Pompeii.
There are three components to the project:
documentation of standing remains; archaeological analysis; and urban study that seeks
a) to interpret the developments at Pompeii in the broader context of urban history and
b) to identify at Pompeii recurring patterns of urban evolution that can be applied to contemporary issues in American urbanism.

Kulturinitiative Phoenix-Pompeji
Kulturinitiative, die mit Aktionen und Informationsveranstaltungen über die Ausgrabungen, Forschungen und Konservierungsarbeiten in den Vesuv-Städten informieren möchte.

Kantonsschule Zürcher Unterland
Zur Geschichte von Pompeji: Die Verwaltung, Soziale Srukturen, Gewerbe, Handel und Landwirtschaft; Die Briefe des Plinius, Der Vesuvausbruch von 79, Das italische Haus, Italisch-römische Bautechniken, Wandmalereien, Pompeji-Links

Amherst College
Pompeii and Herculaneum List of ancient sources

The Anglo-American Project in Pompeii
The Anglo-American Project in Pompeii runs an integrated program of research and training each summer in Pompeii.
We are committed to the investigation of a complete block of the ancient city, Insula VI,1, in order to understand better the social and economic dynamics of the whole urban community.

Theatrum Pompei Projekt
Theatrum Pompei Project is a collection of resources that pertain to the monuments of Cn. Pompeius Magnus. Since his most famous projects arose during the fifties B.C., various aspects of that tumultuous decade have been treated.  His monuments both defined and were defined by their contemporary context.  This broad focus then allows the monuments of Pompeius to be studied abstractly and contextually.